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We Need A Different Approach
The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. is a framework that aims to achieve positive growth result in handling high-challenge situations. Developed through more than 15 years of working with children and specially-abled people, this strategical approach seek first to remove the stress for the PARENTS, TEACHERS and CARE-GIVERS as well as the child thus paving way for true growth to occur.

- Our Social Mission -

Breakthru in a mission on neurodiversity for the nation. We work with both differently-abled (including special needs) children, and their family (parents and care givers) for their sustainable development.


Accelerating society to recognize, accept and embrace the unique strengths and perspectives of individuals with diverse neurotypes, while empowering these children, teenager and young adults to be independent and confident member of society.

Empower Yourself
Learn new skills and tools that are immediately applicable in home, school and therapeutic settings.​ People who attended these classes went off with a new understanding of supporting the children with special needs with effective tools of building blocks.

Parent Services

Keep Track of Your Child's Progress

Stay in touch with us, and continue to show your excitement and your support to your child at home. Your encouragement is crucial to his breakthrough.
Scroll down to see what you can do at this hub.

We provide this hub for your convenience:

"What Can I Do

At This Hub?"

Book Appointment

Book your Parent-Facilitator-Meeting (PFM)


Schedule a personal consultation time

Centre Calendar

Our yearly event calendar with the latest updates and announcements.

Be our parents and gain access to these services.

Child Programs at Breakthru

We Are With You, Always.

A video is worth a hunderd sentences

Remote Home Support Advisory

At Breakthru, you are not alone at home. Because consistency is needed to ensure a lasting change in behavour, the time at home should not be missed. That's why we run a unique support system for you and your child's home learning!

one-click video submission for consultation with just your mobile phone

To achieve best collboration among facilitators, therapists and parents:

Agile IEP Goal Managing

You too will get to view your child's goal progress online and re-enforce your child's goal at home.

Developmental Theory based - The Breakthru® Approach

Children are our best teachers.
Journeying with them for more than a decade have produced these principles and methodologies that are proven to be exactly what they need.

Personal Experiences and Encouragements

Holiday, I want holiday, holiday. Mummy I want holiday.

Holiday, I want holiday, holiday. Mummy I want holiday.

I would like to share my experience in using this organic empowerment tool in my son’s meltdown last Wednesday. After

YEAY!!! – I still remember the first P.L.A.Y. course I attended (pt 2)

YEAY!!! – I still remember the first P.L.A.Y. course I attended (pt 2)

YEAY!!! Part 2 As a parent, I admitted that I have different expectations on my children other than Aqil. I

YEAY!!! – I still remember the first P.L.A.Y. course I attended (pt 1)

YEAY!!! – I still remember the first P.L.A.Y. course I attended (pt 1)

Aqil Zaharin YEAY!!! I still remember the first P.L.A.Y. course I attended with Breakthru Enrichment Station and Phoebe was the

Why I love Breakthru Approach for parent

Why I love Breakthru Approach for parent

‘Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y.’ I like the whole practical application of the entire course not only for my special need

My Speech as an MC of the day

My Speech as an MC of the day

– by Timothy, also a parent of Breakthru This is my speech on that day. Breakthru Family Story Day and

Breakthru Family Story Day and Celebration – A reflection

Breakthru Family Story Day and Celebration – A reflection

– A Reflection by Timothy Wong On 3rd December 2022 Breakthru Enrichment Station held a Family Story Day and Celebration.

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Testimonials from Parents

Read what parents have to say about Breakthru and our developmental approach. After more than 13 years, the result speaks for itself! 

Who are our parents?

Our parents come from all walks of life. Working closely and hand-in-hand with us, they are here now to share the story of their child with you.

“The activities improved his expressive vocabulary, reading and writing. He can now communicate with others, understand instructions, is generally more obedient and likes to participate in activities.

Chong W.M. Jin Hao's Dad


Christine Jeremy's Mom

He was calmer and a lot less angry. We noticed an amazing change in him. My daughter also noticed much improvement in her brother. For the first time, he initiated a conversation with her by saying “How to play?”

Mrs Chiew Fu Yen's Mom

Our relatives were impressed by my daughter’s ability to read and spell difficult words. They noticed a lot of changes in her. This Chinese New Year, my daughter again impressed our relatives and helped in kitchen.

Joanne Cassandra's Mom

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If you have a child currently at Breakthru®, you already have an account.

If not, book your child's assessment with us. You will be given an account when you register your child. No more registration is required at this website.

This is a service exclusively for our parents.